This personal project started out as an idea that I had first thought to use for my GCSE art, by combining the 'glamour & glitz' of adolescent life, to the beauty and maturity of galaxies of the universe. By living in such a young and vibrant city for a few years, my young adult life was influenced greatly by the fast moving and awe inspiring cities of the Middle East, particularly Dubai . This combined with the portrayal of teenage life through recent music videos such as Ellie Goulding's 'Starry Eyed' and Ke$ha's 'Take it off', presents a mixture of colour, both powder & glitter.
Looking through textbooks of galaxies, I soon realised they held the potential to give a deeper meaning to my project ideas, as galaxies hold endless possibilities & the excitement of the unknown... could there even be an alternate universe with another Sarah Ashworth...? I began to research methods of combining emotional portrait shots with galaxies, the results are as follows and I intended to mimic the methodology in my next shoot.
I absolutely ADORE your glitter&galaxy shots! I can see them on shiny glossy paper in a fashion mag!!!!! X